Friday 12 November 2010

Q magazine

Q magazine uses a variety of different codes and conventions on it's front cover. The house style for Q magazine is always the same, this is for regular buyers to recognise it. The splash has been given an organised well presented design which is culturally accepted within the fans of Q magazine. The magazine features the legendary rock star Bruce Springsteen, giving an exclusive interview to Q magazine and it has a feature about the music festival Glastonbury, which he will be playing at. The masthead of the magazine, entitles"Q" which could suggest quality, it could also be interpreted as part of the well known saying "Q the music". The masthead has been placed on the top left hand corner, this is conventional.

The main image displays the well known rock star, Bruce Springsteen through a full lentgh body shot. He looks calm, relaxed and ready and is resting against an amplifier, holding his guitar, as if he's to go and play at a festival. He looks straight in to the camera, interacting with the audience, creating a visual effect. The banner line states that Bruce Springsteen is the boss of his life and doesn't let anyone order him around. His name is boldly written and is in white to stand out, to emphasise his legendary status and giving anchorage to the main image. The font is quite simple, they don't need anything fancy to attract there audience as other conventions are more important. Above the banner line, it says "the only interview", giving the magazine an exclusive and an interview no other magazine has got. The colour scheme for this magazine uses the colour white, white could represent coolness and cleanliness and also white is considered to be the colour of perfection. All these representations could be related to Bruce Springsteen as he is a popular, legendary musician, who for many is the king of cool.

The front cover is promoting the music festival, Glastonbury. It is previewing who will be playing at the festival and features Bruce Springsteen as the main feature as he will be the main feature at Glastonbury. Q magazine are using Bruce Springsteen as the artist on the front cover as he draws in a wide range of audience as he's so popular and versatile within the musical world, however he is promoting himself and his views within an exclusive interview with the magazine and making the audience aware of his performance at Glastonbury.

At the top of the magazine, there is a banner saying " the UK's biggest music magazines" this could suggest an arrogance and could say that it is the best developed therefore the best music magazine around, it also in capital letters enthesising the biggest. 

On the magazine the left third includes, a strap line about the Bruce Springsteen interview, and exclusive pictures of blurs musical life. On the bottom of the front cover, it tells us what bands are featured within the magazine. On the bottom right hand side of the front cover, there is a puff promoting a competition. The magazine also includes, the price, the date and the bar code. Q magazine fills up the front cover with codes and conventions so the audience know exactly what is going on inside the magazine and tries and draws the reader in.

Q magazine is a music magazine published monthly by Bauer media group. Q magazine is not the only music magazine published within the company, the music magazine, Mojo is also produced within the company along with a variety of others, giving the company a wider range of audience therefore more of a profit.

The magazine creates an ideological view of a "quality lifestyle". Q magazine is a well produced music magazine produced monthly, the magazine includes exclusive interviews and musical reviews. The magazine is made monthly and is therefore much more exclusive, the front cover is made professionally and is produced with photographic paper giving the magazine a quality about it. This gives the impression that Q isn't all about new music expressed quickly but is more interested in a quality produced magazine and is targeted for a more upper class society. Q creates this quality, well presented image, that the audience buys in to and by putting a popular artist on the front cover, this attracts an aspirational audience.

The target audience for Q magazine is a mature, sophisticated music fan. They target the social class groups, A and B and tries to appeal to the older generation, such as people in their 30's and 40's who are looking for something more mature and sophisticated. Although Q wants to appeal to all the older generation, it seems that Q magazine doesn't appeal to many woman of that age and mainly targets middle aged men. The front cover proves that Q appeals to the older generation, as Bruce Springsteen is on the front cover, he’s typical of the magazine’s emphasis on older ‘classic’ artists. Q magazine covers all genres of music but mainly targets the legendary artists as main features, again giving it quality and classical approach. The price is much more expensive than any other music magazine as Q is better developed, so you would have to be of a high social class to purchase this magazine regularly.

Q magazine, tries and represents there target audience with a mature and respectable music magazine. They represent there audience by putting aspirational artists on the front cover, that the audience aspire to be like. The magazine also represents the artists on the front cover, as they are representing there music and the genre.

Q magazine's contents page
Q magazine use a contents page for the reader to find out what features are in the magazine and where they can find them. The contents page is useful as it saves the readers time looking for features, instead they can read the contents page and find what there are looking for. This contents page is full of relevant images and issues, the main image is of a featured band called the Courteeners and it is a full length body shot, so we can see all the band and there surroundings. The band make eye contact with the camera, therefore interacting with the audience. There is a quote underneath the image, giving a sample of there interview and making the reader want to find out more. The two images of the artists are completely different ones an indie/rock band the other an acoustic artist, this proves Q's variety of music choice. The use of images on the contents page are regular but each week the image and band's will change depending on the feature. The contents listing on the left hand side of the magazine is a regular of Q magazine and its contents page, the contents page allows the reader to find what feature of article they want, quicker and easier. The contents listing on the left hand side reveals the features, these features are new to that week, underneath the contents listing is a box that says " Every month". This box is a regular and is full of pages that are there every month and are there for a regular within the magazine. At the bottom of the page is a Q review which is a regular and it features a featured artist being reviewed. At the top of the page is the masthead which is in the traditional colours of Q, red. Also across the top page it gives the date and website for Q, promoting the magazine and company. The contents page is in traditional font as the readers of Q are mature and don't need fancy font's to make them read it.

The institution of Q magazine is Bauer Media group. Q magazine is produced along with a variety of mainstream magazines as well as Kerrang music magazine.

The ideological views behind Q's music magazine is to persuade, inform and direct readers to features and regulars within the magazine and make it easier and quicker to find what they want to find.

The target audience for Q magazine would be mature, sophisticated music lovers of the older generation. The magazine features all styles of music, this gives the Q a wider range of audience and therefore more of an audience.This magazine mainly features legendary statuses from the past that the older generation used to aspire to, making this magazine relate to them and there generation. The magazine would appeal to a high social class as it comes at an expensive price and comes with a high representation.

Q magazine represents its target audience within the contents page, as it features relevant images and features that the audience can relate to. The font style and splash are traditional and mature, not vibrant but well presented and all about the music, which the readers want. The contents page is full of information, helping the reader find there page and giving them a brief description of that feature or article. The magazine also represents the bands features within the magazine as it's promoting them and there genre. The magazine is also representing there company Bauer, as it has a high representation and must be presented well and have a high representation.

Q magazine use the double page spread to interview and introduce the featured artist. It involves one main
image, with a quote and brief description of the interview. The main image is of Bruce Springsteen at a concert performing his song with his back facing the huge crowd. The image gives you an insight into his world and it gives the reader a live experience into his world. The quotation is known as a pull quote, a quote pulled from the article making the reader want to read on and this gives anchorage to the main image, its like a chorus in a song and gives you an insight into Bruce Springsteen's world and gives the reader a live experience like is says in the pull quote. The brief description gives the reader an insight into the interview and makes the reader want to find out more.

Q magazine is a music magazine published monthly by Bauer media group. Q magazine is not the only music magazine published within the company, the music magazine, Mojo is also produced within the company along with a variety of others, giving the company a wider range of audience therefore more of a profit.

The ideological views behind Q's double page spread is to introduce and interview the featured artist. It also tries to inform, persuade and direct the reader to read further on into the article. They want the audience to be interested in the article and enjoy the feature.

The target audience for Q magazine is the mature, sophisticated music lovers, that have an interest in older music. Q magazine targets as many audiences as possible by featuring a variety of music genres in the magazine, therefore creating a wider target audience. The magazine features legendary artists that the audience aspire to be like and respect. It also targets a high social class, those who can afford the magazine on a regular basis.

 The target audience is represented by the double page spread and how it's presented and which artist is featured. The splash is traditional and well presented, this shows quality. The colour off the pull quote is white, white represents legendary, and for many people Bruce Springsteen is a legend. The double page spread represents the artist featured as he is promoting himself and his genre. The double page spread also represents the company, as Q has a positive representation and they have to keep that up each month.

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