Tuesday 9 November 2010

Kerrang magazine

Kerrang is a pop/punk rock music magazine and uses many codes and conventions to appeal and represent there audience. The house style for Kerrang magazine is generally laid out the same so the audience recognises the individual style of the magazine. The splash is full of colour making the front cover vibrant and distinctive. The masthead of the magazine entitles Kerrang, the name Kerrang refers to the sound made when a power chord is played on an electric guitar, the name also looks like it has been smashed, possibly by the noise of a power chord being played by a guitar.

The main image is three members of a popular rock band " The king blues" smashing up the front cover with a hammer. This could suggest there making a smashing breakthrough within the rock community. The image is a medium close up, so were able to see the whole of the band and there all making eye contact with the audience, creating interaction with the audience. There name is boldly written in black, with a graffiti font, this could be to emphasise there representation and identity and giving anchorage to the main image. The banner line says " Finally! A band with something to say". This could suggest there not afraid of anything and also show attitude and an edgy/dynamic feel to the band.

The colour scheme is black and red, representing darkness and the red could represent blood and passion. The plugs are the images at the bottom of the magazine, these are trying to persuade the audience to read the inside of the magazine. Bar codes, the price, the date and exclusives are also put onto the front cover, to fill it with information and conventions, making the reader want to find out more.

The publishers for Kerrang are Bauer consumer media, the magazine was published in 1981 and was originally named sound. Not only does the company create Kerrang the music magazine, but publish 282 magazine worldwide to attract a larger audience therefore making more of a profit.

The ideology behind Kerrang magazine is to be who you are and express new musical rock talent on a weekly basis. Kerrang want to express there genre of music and send the message that young rock/pop punk bands can make it to the big stage and become what they had aspire to be. They also send the message that they don't care about what people may think of them, putting an image of rebellious band members on the front cover, this may cause controversy but this shows there edgy, dynamic approach.

Kerrang magazine mainly appeals to a teen audience that is interested in new raw talent and the genre that is rock. The magazine would mainly appeal to the audience of the younger generation, pop/punk rock fans of both genders. This magazine appeals to all different lifestyles and social class, it doesn't matter if your rich or poor, if you like pop/punk rock music then this is probably the best advertised rock magazine around and it comes at a reasonable price that everyone can afford, so this gives the magazine a wider range of audience.

The magazine represents the audience by the house splash and genre of the magazine, the colour scheme represents the colours which you would represent rock to and the magazine. The magazine also represents the artists on the front as they are using the magazine to gain publicity for themselves and the magazine is using the artists to gain attention for the audience. The image of the house style and artists represents the audience and the magazine. The magazine also have to represent the company, giving them a positive representation.

Contents page analysis
Kerrang magazine includes a contents page, a page that is useful to readers who like to find information about this weeks magazine and the features inside it.This contents page is taken up by images that have relevancy's to a feature, below the image is a brief description of the features. The majority of the images are mid shots or mid close ups, this allows the reader to see the band members expressions and style. The images are all of rock bands which demonstrates and represents the magazines genre which is rock music. The use of images on the contents page are regular with every issue, but each week the images change depending on what band's are being featured. . The contents listing on the left hand side is a regular of Kerrang magazine and it's contents page. The headings on the contents list are coloured yellow with a black background, yellow represents energy and this could relate to the energy of a rock band. The contents listing allows the reader to find a certain categories or article features within the magazine, quicker and easier by looking for the page number. Underneath the contents masthead is a quote from one of the featured bands (Metallica).The quote gives you an insight into the magazine making the reader want to find out more. At the top of the magazine is a word from the editor, giving the reader an insight into his views and opinions of the magazine.

The intuition of Kerrang magazine is Bauer media and they produce the music magazine along with a variety of different other mainstream music magazines along with Q.

The ideological views behind Kerrangs contents page is to direct,inform and persuade the readers to read and find features that the reader may want to find within the magazine.

The target audience behind Kerrang magazine, is teen rock music fans, with an interest in new raw talent.They keep the contents page relevant to the features and genre of music, making this relate to there target audience. Kerrang put a variety of different images and features related to rock, this persuades the audience to read further into the magazine.

The contents page represents Kerrang and it's target audience by using relevant images and features that relate to the genre of music. The images are all of rock bands and the rock bands relate to genre of music and the target audience. The contents page is representing the artists on the front cover, as they are relying on a good representation.The contents page also represents it's company by producing a well presented music magazine.

Double page spread.

A double page spread is used within magazines to interview and introduce the band, the king blues. It involves two images or articles that face each other. In Kerrangs double page spread, it features the band that was featured on the front cover The king Blues and involves images and and an exclusive interview with the band. In the image the band are attacking a house with weapons and graffiti, which could represent the magazines general attitude and there rock lifestyle. It shows them smashing a window, this could suggest that there making a breakthrough. There are three sub headings giving the reader an introduction to the band and the interview. These are in bold white writing so it catches the attention of the reader and gives them a reason to read the interview.

The instition of Kerrang magazine is Bauer media as they produce the music magazine along with a variety of other mainstream magazines for example, Q magazine.

The ideological views behind the double page spread is to inform the reader about the featured interview, using pull quotes and images to draw the reader in. They feature bands that are popular within that genre that will appeal to there audience.

The target audience for Kerrang magazine would be young teens who have an interest in rock music. They keep the double page spread relevant to the features and genre of music and also make it relate to audience. Kerrang use relevant images and features to attract and inform there target audience.

The double page spread represents Kerrang and it's target audience by using relevant images and features that relate to the genre of rock music. The images in the double page spread are of a popular rock band and they relate to the genre of the audience. The double page spread is representing the artists featured, as they rely on the magazine giving them a good representation. Kerrang also represents its company Bauer, by producing a well presented double page spread, giving it a positive representation.


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