Friday 10 December 2010

Initial magazine ideas

Front cover
I want my front cover to represent my lively, vibrant target audience and the genre of music it's representing. I want it to represent indie/rock, so i want it to be vibrant and retro as it appeals to the audience. The bands features will be suitable for my genre and will represent the target audience. I want my bands to be young and loud, with a lot of volume, this will connote the name of the magazine. I want my magazine to be vibrant and bright, just like my target audience also quite plain so there isn't too much on one page. My masthead,kicker,sell lines and pull quotes will stand out and be recognisable. I will do a full body shot for the front cover so the audience gets an understanding of the band and there image and i want all the attention to be based on them. I want to include two band members stood next to each other looking serious about there work, i want to include a mid close up shot, i want there expressions to be lively, like there enjoying themselves.

Contents page
My contents page will include features and regulars of the magazine and also relevant images that are featured within the magazine. I want my contents page to help readers find the page they want, easily and quickly. I don't want to much writing on the contents page but just enough to help the reader find there page. I want the contents page to inform, direct and persuade readers. I will include an image of my featured headline band with a brief description of there article.

Double page spread
My double page spread will feature the bands featured on the front cover, to keep continuity. I'm going to include an image, main headline and a pull quote in my article. I want the double page spread to be a fun and enjoyable read with humorous. I want the image on the double page spread to fill the page and be dominant and have an edgy and dynamic feel to it. I want my double page spread to be informative and enjoyable giving the reader interesting facts about the new band and its genre. I'll include one main image covering one whole page with a pull quote and headline and on the other page will include an article about the featured band.

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