Thursday 16 December 2010

double page spread images

I like this image, it look like there both having fun and enjoying themselves. I like the lighting and the background and the clothing the models are wearing suit my genre of music.
In this image the models are acting innapropratly and i couldnt possibly use this image. You can see the bannister and part of the light aswell as the black flooring, all three shouldnt be in the image.

I like the idea of the image, with Euan infront of zak but Euans face comes across quite aggressive and i want them both to come across fun and proffesional.

I really like this image and would love to use it for my double page spread but ive taken the picture portrait instead of landscape so i need to retake it as a landscape so it will across my double page spread. I could use it and put an article on the other side but id prefer the image to be on both sides of the double page spread.

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