Thursday 16 December 2010

Front cover image idea

This was the first image i took and i wanted the two models to pretend there holding the earth. I was planning on photo shopping an earth into there hands, looking like they have the whole world in there hands. I'm not so keen on the lighting in this photo and Euans facial expressions proves he wasn't ready for the picture.

I'm really pleased with how this image has come out. I like the stance of the models and the facial expressions. Zak is serious all serious with his arms crossed and Euan just looks like he's having fun. I like the lighting in this image, it comes across Zak's body all the way into Euan's. The space above the models head is acceptable and im pleased with the outcome.

I like the stance of the models and the lighting but there is a few faults with this image. Behind Zak is a stool which shouldn't have been there and above Zak in the corner of the screen is a side of the soft box appearing. There isnt enough space within the image as the main image takes up all the space.

I'm really pleased with this image and would like to include it within my magazine. It's a full body shot, so you can clearly see the style of the genre the models are and you can also see there facial expressions and postures. I would of liked abit more space above there heads to fit a title and maybe had them abit closer to each other to give me abit more space to work with.

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