Friday 17 December 2010

finished pages

Readers profile

This]]This is my readers profile and it is a brief and straight forward guide to my magazine. It gives the readers information about who reads the magazine and what the own and what there like. It shows what kind of target audience your magazine has for example 80% of my readers own a pc, this suggests there young and modern. I got the idea from NME magazine as they feature some every now and then. It's important for a magazine to know what type of people also read the magazine.

Thursday 16 December 2010

Double page spread drafts

This is my first draft of my double page spread, i wanted to include a pull quote, a headline and a small article within the double page spread. I like the headline font and i think the pull quote gives anchorage to the image. The image is fun and lively and shows that the band is fun and lively.
I really like the masthead font and also the pull quote it look vintage and retro, exactly what the band is. The image is a little pixalated the article seems abit squashed in.


double page spread images

I like this image, it look like there both having fun and enjoying themselves. I like the lighting and the background and the clothing the models are wearing suit my genre of music.
In this image the models are acting innapropratly and i couldnt possibly use this image. You can see the bannister and part of the light aswell as the black flooring, all three shouldnt be in the image.

I like the idea of the image, with Euan infront of zak but Euans face comes across quite aggressive and i want them both to come across fun and proffesional.

I really like this image and would love to use it for my double page spread but ive taken the picture portrait instead of landscape so i need to retake it as a landscape so it will across my double page spread. I could use it and put an article on the other side but id prefer the image to be on both sides of the double page spread.

Contents page draft

This is my first draft of my contents page, i wanted include the regulars and features but I'm going to fill them in with information. I like both image as there relevant but on my proper contents page ill make them more relevant by putting a brief description about them. I'm going to change the background to make the contents page a little more vibrant and also change the masthead to make it stand out more.

This is my final contents page. Im really pleased with it and im happy to use it. I used the features and regulars down the side with information about them all and the page numbers, each highlighted in red. The masthead is much more noticeable and it instanly catches your attention. Ive put brief description about the images which gives the reader information about the images.

Contents page images

I cant use this image as it's pixalated and you cant see his face properly.  
Im going to use this image because i like the image and the lighting, i also like the angle as it focuses on the guitar and not his surroundings.
Again this image is pixalated, i like the idea of it but it seems a little cheesy as he's looking directly at the camera.

Front cover ideas

This is my first front cover draft, i used all selling techniques and a colour scheme but still im not pleased with the outcome. I think the masthead should be placed above the artists head and i could improve the image, there is a soft box in the corner of the screen which shouldnt be there and there isnt any information about the main headline. I do like the banner line and main headline along with the sell lines and puff.

I like this draft, there isnt enough selling techniques but i like the initial idea of it all. The idea was to have the artists holding the world in there hand and underneath the image a pull quote stating they have the world in there hands. I like the banner headline and the sell lines but there isnt enough selling techniques within the front cover, i need to include more information. I like the font for the masthead it looks messy, like the genre of the music. Im going to use this image but just include more selling techniques and clean it up a little.

Im taking ideas from both of these drafts, i like the masthead in both and i prefer the second image as it appeals more. Im going to use the sell lines and headlines from the first image and also use the puff in the first image.

Front cover image idea

This was the first image i took and i wanted the two models to pretend there holding the earth. I was planning on photo shopping an earth into there hands, looking like they have the whole world in there hands. I'm not so keen on the lighting in this photo and Euans facial expressions proves he wasn't ready for the picture.

I'm really pleased with how this image has come out. I like the stance of the models and the facial expressions. Zak is serious all serious with his arms crossed and Euan just looks like he's having fun. I like the lighting in this image, it comes across Zak's body all the way into Euan's. The space above the models head is acceptable and im pleased with the outcome.

I like the stance of the models and the lighting but there is a few faults with this image. Behind Zak is a stool which shouldn't have been there and above Zak in the corner of the screen is a side of the soft box appearing. There isnt enough space within the image as the main image takes up all the space.

I'm really pleased with this image and would like to include it within my magazine. It's a full body shot, so you can clearly see the style of the genre the models are and you can also see there facial expressions and postures. I would of liked abit more space above there heads to fit a title and maybe had them abit closer to each other to give me abit more space to work with.

Sunday 12 December 2010

Hand drawn drafts

These are my hand drawn drafts of my double page spreads, contents page and front cover. I have done two different designs for each page, using different selling techniques in each.

Friday 10 December 2010

Digital draft: Double page spread

I have digitally produced three differently designed double paged spread. I used selling techniques that would appeal to my target audience.

Digital draft: contents page

I have digitally produced three differently designed contents pages, each having a variety of different selling techniques.

Digital front cover drafts

I have digitally produced three differently styled front cover drafts using publisher.

Initial magazine ideas

Front cover
I want my front cover to represent my lively, vibrant target audience and the genre of music it's representing. I want it to represent indie/rock, so i want it to be vibrant and retro as it appeals to the audience. The bands features will be suitable for my genre and will represent the target audience. I want my bands to be young and loud, with a lot of volume, this will connote the name of the magazine. I want my magazine to be vibrant and bright, just like my target audience also quite plain so there isn't too much on one page. My masthead,kicker,sell lines and pull quotes will stand out and be recognisable. I will do a full body shot for the front cover so the audience gets an understanding of the band and there image and i want all the attention to be based on them. I want to include two band members stood next to each other looking serious about there work, i want to include a mid close up shot, i want there expressions to be lively, like there enjoying themselves.

Contents page
My contents page will include features and regulars of the magazine and also relevant images that are featured within the magazine. I want my contents page to help readers find the page they want, easily and quickly. I don't want to much writing on the contents page but just enough to help the reader find there page. I want the contents page to inform, direct and persuade readers. I will include an image of my featured headline band with a brief description of there article.

Double page spread
My double page spread will feature the bands featured on the front cover, to keep continuity. I'm going to include an image, main headline and a pull quote in my article. I want the double page spread to be a fun and enjoyable read with humorous. I want the image on the double page spread to fill the page and be dominant and have an edgy and dynamic feel to it. I want my double page spread to be informative and enjoyable giving the reader interesting facts about the new band and its genre. I'll include one main image covering one whole page with a pull quote and headline and on the other page will include an article about the featured band.

Name and font

I have decided on volume as my music magazine name. I decided on the name as it both represents my magazine and it's target audience. It represents my target audience as loud music appeals to them and the name sounds trendy and dynamic. Volume is also to do with electricity, so i want the font being edgy and different, i like the first one as it looks like it's been scribbled on or graffitied on, giving it a dynamic feel.

Name ideas

I want the name for my music magazine to represent my target audience and genre of music. I want to it to have a meaning and relate to music in some way. I decided to ask around friends and looked on the internet for some ideas but mainly came up with the names on my own. I decided that they must relate to music and stand out as an interesting name.
Name ideas
. Turn it up
. Amplify
. Smash
. Control

Wednesday 8 December 2010

Colour scheme

The colours im going to use in my magazine are dark calming colours that stand out. The colours look quite retro and vintage which would appeal to my target audience and i think also there quiet calming colours to look upon. The colours look natural and fresh like the artists i want to express within my magazine.
Light blue is associated with health, healing, tranquility, understanding, and softness.
Dark blue represents knowledge, power, integrity, and seriousness.
Light red represents joy, sexuality, passion, sensitivity, and love
Black is associated with power, elegance, formality, death, evil, and mystery