Friday 22 October 2010



Our task was to design and produce the front cover of a college magazine and a draft of the contents page. The front cover of the magazine had to include a masthead, a headline and a mid-close up image relevant to the theme, produced and designed by us.

I used a variety of different media language within my college magazine. I used a mid-close up shot to get the potential representation of the college student for the target audience. There are a variety of different denotations on the front cover of my magazine for example; the image has a variety of different props and mise-en-scene. The model is carrying a video camera, the connotations of this are that the magazine theme is all about media and a video camera represents that and keeps the image authentic and believable. In the background the model is stood in front of a green screen this represents the media facilities within the college. The model has a light shining on him to make him look dominant. On the magazine itself the masthead is simple and short but big enough to catch the eye, I have named it “The WSM” which Is an abbreviation of the Wyke student magazine, I did this to give the front cover and masthead a more edgy, teenage feel. The headline is “Lights, camera, action”, this represents the film industry and it is also a famous saying so the readers recognise it. The headline is angled to make the front cover look more dynamic and edgy to appeal to the college audience. There is information informing the audience about what’s in the magazine and information about the main headline, drawing the audience in and wanting more.

College students produced the magazine for college students. The students are informing other students about the upcoming events and important information. The main features are all linked to the media and film industry, implying that the theme is media. Not only is the magazine about media but a whole variety of different lessons and choices. This gives the magazine more variety and a wider range of audience

My intentions were to represent education along with a variety of different subjects, ideas and shared beliefs within the college. The main purpose is to show the theme of media and give an insight in to the lesson, which represents education. The front cover shows what facilities are available within the college (Video camera, Green screen). The student is not only representing media studies but the whole college, this is to give a wider range of audience because it attracts all different students. The light is shining of the student giving him a glowing feel, this represents that every student is a shining star. I believe my front cover gives the college an impressive representation.

The target audience for my magazine would be college students aged from 16-20. It would appeal to both genders of all different interests. My intention was to include college related issues, information and relevant images that would appeal to my target audience. My magazine aims to appeal to a wide college audience, especially those who show an interest in media studies. Putting a student on the front cover makes the magazine personal to the reader and gives them an insight in to a lesson they may not study. I have made the front cover vibrant and colourful and have given it a dynamic and edgy approach to appeal to my target audience (College students).

My college magazine is representing Wyke College and the students and staff working and studying within it. It also represents the surrounding area and students learning ability. My magazine represents hard work and an educational environment. I believe my magazine has a positive effect on readers and gives them a positive representation. My magazine uses a variety of different techniques to appeal to my target audience. I have made the front cover vibrant, colourful and relevant to the audience to make them feel more involved. What I could have improved on would be the analysing of a variety of different college magazines and finding out how they appeal and sell to there target audience, to help me have a better understanding. Overall, I am pleased with my college magazine outcome and I believe it would appeal to my target audience and give a positive representation of my college.

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