Tuesday 12 October 2010

East Riding college magazine anaylisis

I have analyzed the East Riding college magazine and found the purposes and technique's within it.
The Front cover of the magazine is quite dark and plain and doesn't really appeal to anyone. The image isn't clear and you can't work out what it actually is. The writing is to small and there isn't enough information. It doesn't look like much effort went in to the making of the magazine, the mast heading doesn't stand out at all. It all looks to dark and it defiantly needs to be more colourful and vibrant. The content page is an improvement as it uses colour and images that are relevant to the magazine.

The magazine would have been created by the students for the students. The students wanted to give an insight on to there trip to Berlin but the front cover doesn't give it justice, it doesn't show enough information. There isn't enough information on there for students to find out what's in the magazine and the magazine doesn't stand out.

The college magazine is representing it's college and the people working and studying within it. It's also representing the surroundings and there ability. The main purpose of the magazine is to appeal to the student's to get information and story's to them. The front cover of the East Riding magazine doesn't represent the college and doesn't give it a good image. The front cover of the magazine is all about the trip a classes trip to Berlin. The headline and image doesn't give the trip justice and should have been more vibrant, the image isn't relevant to the trip and the headline isn't standing out enough.

The target audience for this magazine would be college students aged from 16-20. It would appeal to both genders and any lifestyles. The magazine aims to appeal to a college audience as there is students who represented the college abroad. Not only does this make the text personal to the audience because it's about there college but it gives them insights in to the trip itself.
The magazine doesn't just involve one story about the one trip, the magazine involves many students points of views and insights in to different matters. Every week the main headline will change and every week there will be new and different information about a new and different topic.

The magazine doesn't use enough selling techniques as it should and doesn't stand out enough. They haven't made the headline and information clear enough for readers. They don't fill the front cover with as much information as there should be but put just enough to make the audience know what it's all about. I have analyzed this text and understand what not to do for a college magazine. I now know that a college magazine needs to be colourful and vibrant and also the headline needs to be standing out and grab the audiences attention along with the image itself.

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