Friday 22 October 2010



Our task was to design and produce the front cover of a college magazine and a draft of the contents page. The front cover of the magazine had to include a masthead, a headline and a mid-close up image relevant to the theme, produced and designed by us.

I used a variety of different media language within my college magazine. I used a mid-close up shot to get the potential representation of the college student for the target audience. There are a variety of different denotations on the front cover of my magazine for example; the image has a variety of different props and mise-en-scene. The model is carrying a video camera, the connotations of this are that the magazine theme is all about media and a video camera represents that and keeps the image authentic and believable. In the background the model is stood in front of a green screen this represents the media facilities within the college. The model has a light shining on him to make him look dominant. On the magazine itself the masthead is simple and short but big enough to catch the eye, I have named it “The WSM” which Is an abbreviation of the Wyke student magazine, I did this to give the front cover and masthead a more edgy, teenage feel. The headline is “Lights, camera, action”, this represents the film industry and it is also a famous saying so the readers recognise it. The headline is angled to make the front cover look more dynamic and edgy to appeal to the college audience. There is information informing the audience about what’s in the magazine and information about the main headline, drawing the audience in and wanting more.

College students produced the magazine for college students. The students are informing other students about the upcoming events and important information. The main features are all linked to the media and film industry, implying that the theme is media. Not only is the magazine about media but a whole variety of different lessons and choices. This gives the magazine more variety and a wider range of audience

My intentions were to represent education along with a variety of different subjects, ideas and shared beliefs within the college. The main purpose is to show the theme of media and give an insight in to the lesson, which represents education. The front cover shows what facilities are available within the college (Video camera, Green screen). The student is not only representing media studies but the whole college, this is to give a wider range of audience because it attracts all different students. The light is shining of the student giving him a glowing feel, this represents that every student is a shining star. I believe my front cover gives the college an impressive representation.

The target audience for my magazine would be college students aged from 16-20. It would appeal to both genders of all different interests. My intention was to include college related issues, information and relevant images that would appeal to my target audience. My magazine aims to appeal to a wide college audience, especially those who show an interest in media studies. Putting a student on the front cover makes the magazine personal to the reader and gives them an insight in to a lesson they may not study. I have made the front cover vibrant and colourful and have given it a dynamic and edgy approach to appeal to my target audience (College students).

My college magazine is representing Wyke College and the students and staff working and studying within it. It also represents the surrounding area and students learning ability. My magazine represents hard work and an educational environment. I believe my magazine has a positive effect on readers and gives them a positive representation. My magazine uses a variety of different techniques to appeal to my target audience. I have made the front cover vibrant, colourful and relevant to the audience to make them feel more involved. What I could have improved on would be the analysing of a variety of different college magazines and finding out how they appeal and sell to there target audience, to help me have a better understanding. Overall, I am pleased with my college magazine outcome and I believe it would appeal to my target audience and give a positive representation of my college.

Tuesday 19 October 2010

Finished college magazine.

Draft - front cover

This is a draft of my college magazine. This draft shows roughly what i want to do with my front cover. It shows the props (Video camera and light stand) and the mise-en-scene (Green screen). You can also tell the theme is media. What i will improve on is the image itself, the masthead and positioning of the camera. Im going to make it look more vibrant and colourful so i can draw my target audience in but keep the same idea and theme.

Drafts for content page

These are ideas of my drafts for my college magazine. A content page must include: A headline,Contents,images and a masthead. It also usually has information under the contents all about different variety of story's.

Monday 18 October 2010

Idea development

My aim for my college magazine is to be based on the topic media. I want my magazine to come across friendly and vibrant and for my target audience to be interested in it. I want it to stand out and catch the eye.  I'm going to make sure i get the theme of media across on my front cover so the readers know what to expect within the magazine.

College magazine name ideas:
The WSM: Wyke Student magazine
WCM- Wyke College magazine.
The EMM- Education monthly magazine.

Theme ideas:
Media- Lights Camera Action
Film studies- Fantastic film studies
physical Education- On your marks, get set, go!

Picture ideas:
On the front cover of my college magazine i wanted to use the theme media to appeal to my target audience. I used relevant props and mise-en-scene to make the image authentic and believable.

What works well in this image are the props and the mise-un-scene. The props are the light stand and the video camera. The mise-un-scene is the green screen.This sticks to the theme of media and makes it authentic and believable. What doesn't work as well in this image is the positioning of the model.

This image uses the props of a camera and light stand and the mise-un-scene of the green screen. I like the lighting and the shadow it creates. What doesn't quite work with this image is that it isn't mid-close up which it needs to be and you could say it's a little too dark.

This is image was the first one i captured and i wanted to capture the model holding the video camera and have the light stand in the background to make it look relevant to the headline. What didn't work was the lighting, i believe it's too bright and the image is out of focus. There is too much room above the models head and the different colour tones don't go with each other and appear from the models head. This image gave me ideas on how to improve and plan future pictures. First i borrowed a better camera so the quality of the image would be a better quality. I positioned the model within the green screen so it's just one colour and finally i brought the light stand next to the model and turned it on to give the image a more vibrant feel.

Tuesday 12 October 2010

East Riding college magazine anaylisis

I have analyzed the East Riding college magazine and found the purposes and technique's within it.
The Front cover of the magazine is quite dark and plain and doesn't really appeal to anyone. The image isn't clear and you can't work out what it actually is. The writing is to small and there isn't enough information. It doesn't look like much effort went in to the making of the magazine, the mast heading doesn't stand out at all. It all looks to dark and it defiantly needs to be more colourful and vibrant. The content page is an improvement as it uses colour and images that are relevant to the magazine.

The magazine would have been created by the students for the students. The students wanted to give an insight on to there trip to Berlin but the front cover doesn't give it justice, it doesn't show enough information. There isn't enough information on there for students to find out what's in the magazine and the magazine doesn't stand out.

The college magazine is representing it's college and the people working and studying within it. It's also representing the surroundings and there ability. The main purpose of the magazine is to appeal to the student's to get information and story's to them. The front cover of the East Riding magazine doesn't represent the college and doesn't give it a good image. The front cover of the magazine is all about the trip a classes trip to Berlin. The headline and image doesn't give the trip justice and should have been more vibrant, the image isn't relevant to the trip and the headline isn't standing out enough.

The target audience for this magazine would be college students aged from 16-20. It would appeal to both genders and any lifestyles. The magazine aims to appeal to a college audience as there is students who represented the college abroad. Not only does this make the text personal to the audience because it's about there college but it gives them insights in to the trip itself.
The magazine doesn't just involve one story about the one trip, the magazine involves many students points of views and insights in to different matters. Every week the main headline will change and every week there will be new and different information about a new and different topic.

The magazine doesn't use enough selling techniques as it should and doesn't stand out enough. They haven't made the headline and information clear enough for readers. They don't fill the front cover with as much information as there should be but put just enough to make the audience know what it's all about. I have analyzed this text and understand what not to do for a college magazine. I now know that a college magazine needs to be colourful and vibrant and also the headline needs to be standing out and grab the audiences attention along with the image itself.

Friday 8 October 2010

LLIAR- Brief

L- Media Language refers to text. Media language is camera angles, the editing, the sound, the lighting, the mise-en-scene etc.
The media language used in the college magazine are:
Image- Mid close up of model. Adds understanding of a story.
The masthead- The magazine title. Usually displayed in the top left corner.
Main cover line- Main point of feature. In large print,different style, bold colour in order to catch the attention of the reader.

I- Institution is who produced the text? Institution is the company or Creator of a certain product. The institution of a magazine would be:
The Company (NME Magazine)
Wyke College Magazine

I- Ideology is a system of shared ideas and beliefs and is also our values and morals.
The ideas of a college magazine is to persuade the target audience to read. The beliefs are to represent education along with a variety of different subjects and ideas within a college.

A- The target audience is who the product is aimed at and it involves age,gender and location.
The target audience of a college magazine would be college students aged around 16-20. The magazine would have to appeal to a college audience, so using college related issues,information and relevant pictures would attract there target audience.

R- Representation is how we perceive something. It could have a positive effect or a negative effect.
A college magazine isn't just representing the college, it's also representing the students and surroundings. The magazine has to fit the purpose which links in with the target audience.The purpose is to appeal to there target audience and sell. The magazine could be seen as conservative which is normal views or it could be seen as challenging and challenges people's opinion's and views.

Analysis on lc college magazine

I have been analyzing a college magazine and looking at it's features and purposes.
The magazine i have been analyzing is Lewisham college magazine in London. It uses a simple layout with simple images. The image is a mid close up with a blank white background but the model is wearing bright clothing to make himself stand out. There isn't to much information involved but just enough to work out what's in the magazine. The information is in colour to make the front cover more vibrant.

The magazine was produced by college students and involved information and stories about there college and what's going on in and around it. The front cover looks quite relaxed which makes it easy on the eye and inviting.

The college magazine is representing it's college and the people working and studying within it. It's also representing the surroundings and there ability. The main purpose of the magazine is to appeal to the student's to get information and story's to them. The main headline is "Got Style?", that headline makes you want to read it, it's asking you a question and makes you want to find out more.

The target audience for this magazine would be college students aged from 16-20. It would appeal to both genders and any lifestyles. The magazine aims to appeal to a college audience as there is a student who represents the college and studies fashion, not only does this make the audience feel part of it all because it's about there college but it gives them insights in to students who study a different lesson to themselves.

The magazine doesn't just involve one story about one lesson or trip. The magazine involves many students points of views and insights. Every week the main headline will change and every week there will be new and different information. It's a relaxed magazine that doesn't force you to read it but politely invites you to.

The magazine uses a variety of different techniques to appeal to there target audience. They make it relevant to there readers and make them feel involved. They don't fill the front cover with information but put just enough to make there target audience pick it up and read it. I have taken all of this information in to account and will be using some of the techniques with my own magazine.

Wednesday 6 October 2010

College magazine brief

We were set the task of designing the front cover and contents page of a college magazine. The front cover of the college magazine has to include a headline story, masthead and an image planned and produced by ourselves, the image has to be a mid close up. The target audience of the magazine has to appeal to a college student audience, aged around 16-20. The purpose of the magazine is to appeal to a college audience and give them information that is relevant to them. This task is in preperation for the music magazine we have been set to produce.